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Vicky YiChan Li
( Vicky )

A personal Music Studio.
This website is mainly for sharing the project music I've done,
and selling music products.

If you need composing services for your production (film, animation, video games, and musicals), please contact me via the email below:


Thank you for your visit! Hope you enjoy my music!

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"From Ashes" - Superhero Short Film (Gritty, Drama)

"From Ashes" - Superhero Short Film (Gritty, Drama)

Made for the NWCC 72 Hour Film Competition, we won second place! The opening is heavily inspired by the Batman trilogy, I'm a huge fan of gritty fight scenes. I wanted to make superheroes more grounded in reality than you see in big budget films. They can get hurt, not all powers are equal, they have real human emotions. I'm super proud of how it came together and to my cast and crew for being so amazing at everything they do. FULL CREDITS: Written, directed, edited, sound & VFX by: Nicky Smit Flex : Charlie Stebbins Shadow: Grace Madland Diecast: Michael Munoz Maria: Sofia Ayala Mom: Ally Murphy Kid: Adi Huggins Mob Boss: Jay Vilhauer Killer Goon: Pete Flattum Goon #1: Ren Caldwell Goon #2: Tyler Darkow Goon #3: Amrut Saini Goon #4: Sebastian Borges Goon #5: Joe Jacobs Dead Hostage: April Muo Kid Hostage: Lily Darkow Hostage #1: Kerry Rathsabanhdith Hostage #2: Carmina Ayala Hostage #3: Helen Fritze Hostage #4: Dani Dewar Hostage #5: Deanna Smit Hostage #6: Samantha Wenzell Hostage #7: Sofia Ayala camera operator: T.K. Johnson 1st assistant camera: Corbin Weitenhagen gaffer day 1: Daniel Edelen day 2: Joe Jacobs grips: Chris Wyatt, Sunshine Vaught sound mixer day 1: Jessica Fleck day 2: Sunshine Vaught day 3: Daniel Edelen hair and makeup: Hannah Krutsinger fight coordinator: Ren Caldwell script supervisor: Sunshine Vaught music composer: Vicky Yichan Li color: T.K. Johnson MUSIC "December" written and performed by Kelsey Sprague "Whiskey on the Mississippi" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License THANK YOU TO the amazing owner of the Whit’s End barChad Adi’s wonderful parentsAlexi & Brian Huggins the hardworkers ofharbor island studiosKate Becker & Nathan Brend the generous vfx assets of Rion Smith the whole cast and crew who survived thatcrazy long day the bike dump servicesand all around insane help ofSunshine Vaught the soul-soothing 11th hour pizza delivery by Charlie Stebbins the good boy Brillo and as always Arian & Carissa Smit
Judicial Yuan, Justice Reform Image Video (Full Version) Online Advertisement

Judicial Yuan, Justice Reform Image Video (Full Version) Online Advertisement

[導演新作] 主演| 文姿云wen,tzu-yun、 黃雋智、 Nelson Shen、 辰亞御、 王嵐申 特別演出| 葉子彥、 楊迦恩 影像製作| 赤兔影像 監製| 詹前俊 專案| 利安禾 企劃| 王韻筑 導演| 黃季雍 副導| 吳季恩 場記| 蔡季珉 選角| 游士弘 製片| 朱芸廷 執行製片| 楊維芳 場景製片| 段宗澔 製片助理| 游士弘、林采瀅、吳尚謙 防疫組| 黃以誠 攝影指導| 鍾訓維(鍾訓維 Vik Chung / DP) 追焦師| 陳遙 攝影助理| 蕭敬 MōVI 技師| 廖竺洧 攝影器材| 好趙電影 美術指導| 簡嘉儀 美術執行| 楊尚儒 美術助理| 汪庭瑄 美術場務| 陳涵哲、許耕維、陳育民、呂鴻昌 燈光師| Sandow Lin 燈光大助| 賴威仁 燈光助理| 莊逸晨、 郭欣錡、陳育緯 燈光器材| 上京影業有限公司 /SG Film studio / 專業攝影棚影視器材出租(外景)、 利達亞太創意中心 LAPCC(棚內) 收音師| 坤燊 造型指導| 董子瑄(漂亮東西GoodGoods) 造型執行| 洪紹愷 造型助理| 李佩蓉 妝髮師| 童梓綺 妝髮助理| 靠靠、翁鈺婷 剪接師| McKay Cheng 調光師| Cheng-wei Tong 特效合成| R中 混音師| 林延融 音樂監督| 林明學(啃破紙音樂工作社) 配樂作曲| 李苡嬋 (Vicky YiChan Li)、張舒寧 配音員| 葉玿伶(小紅) 錄音室| 啟動音樂文創有限公司Start Music-Co. Ltd 攝影棚| 利達亞太創意中心 LAPCC 場地協力|利達空調大樓、台北地方法院、桃園地方法院、新店⼯程、RS休閒概念館、新北地方法院、⽯潭公園 特別感謝| Christina Liu、 薛文碩、 Chen Danieo、 陳以十

©2022 by Why C Müsic

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